Kiire ja paindlik finantseerimine laenuvõtjatele, suurepärane ja stabiilne tootlus investoritele. Liituge Euroopa juhtiva Ladina-Ameerika kinnisvaraga tagatud laenude turuga ja muutke oma finantstulevikku.
Turvaline, Usaldusväärne ja Aus Kinnisvara Investeering
Miks Meiega Investeerida?
This is the best way to invest in properties projects.
Mitmekesistage oma portfelli investeerides Euroopa ja Latami turgudele kõikjalt maailmast.
Kaalutletud risk
Me ei saa teile kasumit garanteerida, kuid vähendame riske spetsiaalselt väljatöötatud hindamisprotsessiga.
Meie platvormi kasutamine on alati tasuta. Tutvuge muretult meie laia valiku investeerimisvõimalustega.
Parim Intress
Pakume pankadega võrreldes konkurentsivõimelisi intressimäärasid.
Kuidas see toimib?
Borrower-Project Manager
Once We release a project to our investor tool,the funding round starts. As soon as a project is fully funded ( which can take as little as a few minutes ) the contracts are signed and the money is released to the loan applicant.
Wayni utilizes wide-ranging risk assessment technology to analyze hundreds of data points in
support of the decisions made by our credit team.
From the hundreds of applications originating in
different European and Latin american countries
every month, we only release.
The borrowers make their repayments according to the agreed repayment schedule
while the investors can track all repayments on their personal portfolio page..