Tarapoto – Peru ( Peru) Opened at:9 October, 2020 - By: WB1001

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Executive Summary

This is a project to invest to make a house. The area is 120 m2 has a register document and authorization by government.

This is a project to invest to make a house. The area is 120 m2 has a register document and authorization by government.


Quick Overview
3.05% filled, 0 investors $96,950 left
  • Expires 0 days
  • Target $100,000
  • Funds Raised $3,050
  • Collateral value $15,528,000
  • LTV 27.40%
  • Projected LTV 56%
  • Loan Period 12 months
  • Schedule Type German
  • Mortgage Rank First rank
  • Loan Type Mortgage 1 year
  • Loan Type Sub-Category Reconstruction
  • Location Peru
Wayni's loans are secured with real estate collateral and a mortgage that is established on the collateral property. Once the loan is fully invested, the borrower has to go to the notary office and enter into an agreement with the Security Agent to establish the mortgage. The mortgage will then be registered at the Land Register (with the Security Agent as mortgagee on behalf of the investors). The Security Agent is a separate limited liability company whose primary purpose is to hold securities for the benefit of investors making investments via Wayni.

An unsecured loan is a loan which does not have any collateral in place, such as land or apartment, and is solely based on a borrower’s credit history and potential ability to repay. Secured loans have assets as collateral so that if a borrower cannot repay the loan, Wayni's security agent will start the asset sales process. Hereby, the risk of losing the money lent to the borrower is minimized.

After the credit crunch and the resultant recession, the risk appetite of banks was reduced significantly, which means that banks have tightened their lending criteria. Banks have strict criteria, which is not borrower friendly, follows a very rigid funding structure, and thus many loan applications are rejected by banks. Wayni is a small and flexible organization which is willing to help companies that are denied financing by banks despite having a strong business plan and solid collateral.